How to Lift a Curse (Amazing Transformation Video!), 2022, mixed media installation

How to Lift a Curse (Amazing Transformation Video!) materialises the video editing techniques found in YouTube tutorial videos. The video tutorial is physicalised and deconstructed, in an attempt to lift the curse of aesthetic conditioning inflicted by our engagement with the digitally mediated world. A dissonant temporality is created through the transformation and modification of various media, Zoroastrian rituals, and a 1993 Honda del Sol convertible, embodied in the gallery as a media installation. Also modified and applied are spells concerning the curse of the "evil eye" – which, like the curse of digital media engagement, is similarly a curse of perception.

Runner-up, 2022 Lind Prize

Exhibition history:
- TAP Art Space, Montreal QC, November 2023
- Lind Prize Exhibition, Polygon Gallery, North Vancouver BC, December 2022 - January 2023
- temporary obligations, Audain Gallery, Vancouver BC, September 2022

Audain Gallery Installation View

Polygon Gallery Installation View